Here you will find all important documents such as tender texts, certificates, 2D data and performance specifications for convenient download.

EPD Environmental Product Declaration
The individual Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for HEWI S 111 and S 162 hardware made of polyamide and stainless steel are available to download here. They provide detailed information on the environmental impact of products over their entire life cycle.
HEWI submits the EPD of the stainless steel hardware as part of a licence from the Fachverband Schloss- und Beschlagindustrie e. V. (Lock and hardware Industry Association).
Tender documents
You will find the current texts for invitations to tender for HEWI products under the following link.
BIM data
Current BIM data for HEWI products can be found on the BIM Objects portal. The data are available in the ArchiCAD and Revit formats.
CAD Drawings
The current CAD drawings of HEWI sanitary products can be found here. For direct download please click on the desired data format.
Here you will find the current certificates for download.
Declaration of performance
Here you will find the current declarations of performance in accordance with Article 7 Paragraph 2 of the Construction Products Regulation for the respective HEWI products. The declarations of performance are available for download.